The comments and views expressed here do not reflect those of my employer, my doctor, my bookie, or anyone really, including myself.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Drawing Jam: Viking Theme!

I did this for a recent drawing jam at work; the theme was Vikings, so I did Odin. He's not really a "viking" per se, but he is the major Norse god, so I guess you could say he's THE Viking. This drawing was a bit different for me, since most of my stuff I draw on paper, scan, and then manipulate it digitally. This bad boy though, I drew straight into Flash, which I don't do as often as you may think someone who spends all day in the program would.

If that makes any sense.

Even if it doesn't, enjoy the picture.


  1. nice! i was wonderin how this was gonna turn out. I also likt the color choice, it makes for a verry muted after battle feel

  2. Incredible! I love the look of this!
