The comments and views expressed here do not reflect those of my employer, my doctor, my bookie, or anyone really, including myself.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Slimy Snail

Been playing the "Toon" RPG at lunch lately. This is my character, Hubert S. Cargo. The name was Dave Rigely's idea, he rolled up the character for me. Making him a scumbag just came out of playing him. If you're into RPG's and you've never played the game I highly recommend it, it's a hoot.


  1. Anonymous3:57 PM

    This guy is awesome. But if you ever grow a mustache like that it's over.

  2. RigLEy

    Sorry I hadda bail on Toon man. One day, we'll play it again. We'll be 90 and miraculously meet again in an old folks home. I'll have a heart attack halfway through and you'll be breathing through a tracheotomy tube because you take a smoking 3 packs a day in a year or so... but damn it'll be fun
