The comments and views expressed here do not reflect those of my employer, my doctor, my bookie, or anyone really, including myself.

Friday, May 01, 2009


Ugh, so sick can barely form a coherent thought. Best time for a post, I find.
Got so used to the sweet, sweet Cintiq at the studio, wasn't sure I'd be able to go back. This is my first kick at the cat, pooped it out on my old Grapphire I bought four years ago. I've drawn this Goblin about six billion times before, he's fun to draw and I know what he looks like. Wanted something easy, and y'know, this guy typing, not exactly lucid, what with hearing angels singing and all. What's that? Towards the light?


1 comment:

  1. Hahaha is "Bzuuhhh" the sound of heaven?
    Nice drawing dude - I hope you feel better!
