The comments and views expressed here do not reflect those of my employer, my doctor, my bookie, or anyone really, including myself.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

If I said "I like dogs"...

...would I be accused of waging a war on dachshunds? I dachshund is a dog, right? It falls under the general heading. If I don't mention that specific breed, are the dachshund owners gonna get worked up? Actually, there are probably a few out there who would, I suppose. They'll think I'm playing favorites with the spaniel people.

The argument seems to start earlier every show season, too.

Very well. To business, such as it is.

Gadzooks, but this digital painting nonsense is as slippery as a ferret riding an eel. Got tired of mucking about, this is what you're getting and no griping, clean your plate there's kids starving in In-jya.

There, no color at all to this. Just lines. Give 'em what they want, leave 'em wanting more, one in the hand, two in the bush, all with one stone.

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